Office of Sustainability
Located in the Physical Plant, the Office of Sustainability coordinates and promotes the various sustainability initiatives on campus.
Allegheny College recognizes its responsibility to pursue sustainability as an integral part of its mission. Collaborating with students, faculty, staff, civic leaders, local residents, and other partners, Allegheny develops informed, innovative strategies for sustainability initiatives on campus and in the Meadville community.
This commitment is evident as rain gardens, environmental community art, a comprehensive composting program, a green roof, LEED® certified buildings, geo-exchange heating and cooling, porous parking lots, wind generated electricity, an annual campus wide energy challenge, and a Climate Action Plan to achieve climate neutrality by the year 2020.
Most important, Allegheny encourages the development of citizens who actively promote sustainability. Our students learn about environmental issues and stewardship at each step of the way, through course work with nationally known faculty and experiential learning opportunities such as internships and volunteering. Student-led organizations complement the curriculum and encourage students to embrace sustainable ways of living and thinking during their time at Allegheny and beyond.